It was an overcast and not particularly warm day, and having arrived already tired from a early wake up (damn summer mornings!) and a morning spent overhauling the planting on the balcony, the prospect of a 3 mile walk over undulating terrain would normally be uninviting.
The walk starts with a trek through dense woodland overlooking the gorge, where you can only hear the water crashing down the river below (and the occasional shouting tourists). You cross the heads of several small waterfalls before reaching the brook the starts to tumble down
and becomes White Lady falls. Once down in the valley you wander alongside a calm and shallow stretch of the river Lyd which betrays what is to come. Usually there's a dipper or two to be seen however too many people around for what is usually a skittish bird.
Then its the walk up through the gorge, alongside the river which varies between calm shallows to
plunging mini-cascades and pools, including the spectacular (but too busy today) Devils Cauldron.
The walk itself is quite precarious too, especially when holding an expensive camera! There's plenty of wildlife too - trout in the river with dippers and grey wagtails flashing up and downstream. The flora, in particular the large ferns, add an effect - sometimes you think you are in a
jungle in central America.
By time we finished we were pooped - even too tired for a cream tea and Vero's normally mandatory hour in the gift shop!All in all a place we would always recommend to visit. We probably won't be back to visit for a while however it will always be fondly remembered.