Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Welcome to the Green Bogey's Big Brother (at last)

So after years of trying aimlessly to keep a website of holiday snaps etc going for family, and then failing miserably trying to send photos via email in a 'blog' style, Dad suggested to me that maybe I should write my own blog, like my little brother does....

So here it is, in all its glory, complete with a plagiarised title from Neilio's superb and un-surpassable predecessor. I am certain I will not be able to match his wonderful travel monologues, nor will photos of Tinside Pool in Plymouth ever match those from the land of Oz, but I will give it a good go.

It will probably end up as a repository for moderately interesting holidays snaps, and attempts to show off my bumbling ability with a digital camera which is far too intelligent and clever for someone who still wishes he had a ZX Spectrum (no not really). So apologies now for endless fuzzy bird (feathered) pics, sheep pictures and other miscellaneous flora and fauna.

Well, enough self-pity, more about me or should that be 'us'. We (my French girlfriend Vero and I) are 30 something wannabes who live in Plymouth, Devon. We like to travel abroad (mostly to France as its the cheapest) and also explore the wonderful region we live in. If you have stumbled across this blog sorry if we have wasted your time - it has purely been set up as an easy way to share photos and our experiences with family and friends. Then again it may become something else.......who knows?

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