Yeah yeah yeah. I warned you in my last post of 12 February 1987 that I was starting to 'neglect' this page and hey-ho two months on here I am again.
So what's new? We have been quite busy each weekend but more with doing what we want as opposed to doing what we must, which is nice. There's often a couple of hours spare for a walk or a bike ride in the countryside near our home, where the views of Mont Blanc remain just awe-inspiring. We have over the last two weekends discovered the kilometres and kilometres of quiet, flat cycle trails either side of the border not too far away , which I must say is an absolute pleasure. They are a mixture of vineyards, farmland and forest trails with the same amazing views. I feel this will be a regular activity especially with lighter evenings and less days working in Lausanne. I also have a very recent subscription to the Tennis Club du Saleve so I'm sure with all this sport I'll soon be able to work off the cheese filled belly I have developed this winter.
Work is keeping us both busy, as is the commuting so evenings are mainly spent eating, watching some inane TV then going to bed ready for the 6.15 alarm for it all to start again tomorrow. There was certainly a bit of a groundhog day feel about the last two weeks...
The next piece of news is we have a new member of the family however she is metallic black and lives in the garage under the apartment building. In the end after a day (on foot) looking at cars, we plumped for what we had before albeit the updated version with a little but more equipment. (For those of you who don't know your cars this is a Toyota Yaris II)
Its great to finally be mobile again - shopping is now more expensive as we buy more and we finally were able to buy all the products to use the dishwasher (4 kilos of salt is heavy). No, seriously we have tried to get out in the car every weekend since we had it and this weekend we finally remembered to take the camera with us. It was delivered just before Easter so we were able to spend that weekend in Ruy (and not have to take the train) as well as recover some more of our things that were stored down there. In theory it should cut the travel time in two however coming back on Easter Sunday we were snagged up in the snow falls and it took over 3 hours.
So, what I have done below is to put a couple of specific entries about what we have been up to lately and now we are mobile, hopefully there will be some more frequent entries. Let's hope the real spring weather arrives soon.
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