Friday 24 August 2007

Going, Going, (nearly) Gone

Today was moving day. We waved goodbye to our belongings this morning as they took a head start off to France (yes France) via Tiverton. We will be reunited with them next Thursday at a storage facility in the French Alps.

All we have left now are our suitcases and this laptop. I'm sat here in an empty living room, on the floor and the place feels strange to say the least. Anyway I should get back to work sorting out utility companies etc etc. Oh joy another hour of press 1 for this press 4 for that and then get a message saying 'we are too busy to speak right now - please call back'. Call centres huh - who would want to work there!

This time next week we'll be living it up in Geneva so who cares!

(By the way apologies for the picture quality - they were taken with a mobile phone or the webcam)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Allan - desperate to see some stuff of the new pad - how's it going over there??