Wednesday, 26 September 2007

Parc Bertrand in Autumn

Last Wednesday (26 September) to ease the job hunting blues I decided to go for a walk around Geneva with the purpose of trying to capture some real photos of the city. They forecasted overcast, grey skies which I thought would be great for some moody black and white architecture shots. Instead I had the most brilliant sunny morning so decided to start off with a walk around Parc Bertrand.

The park separates our apartment from work for Vero and we are lucky to have such a nice open space on our doorstep. Some stragglers were still making their way to work however other than that it was a cold but clear, bright and peaceful morning with a dew-fuelled autumnal taste in the air. Autumn was beginning to take a real hold on the big old oak and chestnut trees that border the park and everything was picture postcard perfect. Here's some of the best shots I was able to take:

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